
I’ve been working really hard over the last few days on this site. If anyone has visited over the last few days, you won’t have noticed any difference, but work has been going on behind scenes.

I’ve started twittering to take advantage of some of the things I’ve developed on my new site. I’m quite proud of two things in particular.

1. I’ve bought another new domain; is my new super short domain, I am using it to host my own twitter pics, just like twitpic or yfrog. The difference is that the copyright stays with me, as does the traffic. So if I end up taking an image that gets broadcast around the globe, I can make the money from it!

2. I’m using my domain (my next shortest domain) to create a url shortening service. Using the url shortening system yoURLs, I can make this posts URL to from Clever eh and really useful in tweets and facebook status’?

It’s all very geeky, but I’m a geek and a proud geek at that! Oh, and this post should be tweeted within the next few minutes on my twitter account @AW_101