I’ve been working on a new version of my automatic grid tie switch. If you haven’t seen my previous post or video it’s a device which will switch my sheds solar panels from the battery charge controller to a micro grid tie converter depending on the battery voltage. The idea is I want my solar panels to deliver everything they’ve got for as long as they can each day. Continue Reading →
My solar shed now generates more power than I can regularly use. I wanted a way to use that excess energy, but ensure my battery was kept fully charged.
I’ve recently bought a couple of Arduinos to have a play with. They fit this purpose perfectly. They can run from the battery, but use very little power. Using a voltage sensor (which is a simple, pre-built voltage divider) and a relay board, I can easily change the relay based on the voltage input.
This is my first project, so please be kind on the code. I’m still learning!